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Local Initiatives


Our sisters are involved in numerous community service initiatives throughout our city. Although we celebrate how each sister has a passion of her own, the best part about Kappa Delta Chi is joining together to serve our community side by side, as sisters.


The Ximply Divine Xi Chapter sisters are partnering with Waller ISD to create an after school program that tailors to the specific needs within our community. Our sisters will spend one-on-one time with each student providing valuable mentorship, advice, and the academic motivation that they need to be inspired to pursue their dreams.  


The Xi Chapter sisters will invite high school students to visit Prairie View A&M University for a full day to see what it is like to be a college student. We will pair each student up with a sister who shares a similar academic interest, and we will  allow the student to attend every single class or lab that our sister attends on that particular day. The students will get a firsthand experience of the excitement! We will answer each and every question and provide resources on how to pursue higher education.


Our sisters adopted a part of land near Highway 290 and Buccee's as part of the Adopt-a-Highway project. We care about each and every living, breathing being from our neighbors all the way to the little critters that live in our community! This is why it is so important to keep our streets clean and free of harmful litter. KDChi sisters believe that keeping our environmet clean is the most vital part of a healthy community.


Kappa Delta Chi sisters along with our fellow greeks within the Council of Student Organizations believes that the best way to truly display Greek unity is to serve alongside one another. We join our friends in the Greek community and participate in service events throughout the semester. We enjoy helping CSO with Toys for Tots, Breast Cancer Awareness Tabling, Balloon Releases, and much more!

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